The Definitive Guide to 2024奧運

Paris 2024 president Tony Estanguet unveiled the Olympic and Paralympic medals for your Games in February 2024, which on the obverse featured embedded hexagon-formed tokens of scrap iron that were taken from the initial design on the Eiffel Tower, Together with the Games symbol engraved into it.

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The summer time version with the Olympic Game titles is a multi-sport occasion Ordinarily held when each individual 4 decades generally in July or August.


The Olympic Phryge is decked out in blue, white and purple - the colors of France’s famed tricolour flag - with the golden Paris 2024 brand emblazoned across its chest.



為了突出奧運與殘奧同等重要的理念,兩張海報既可以被看做單獨的兩幅作品,又可合二為一成為一張巨幅的完整海報,左邊是奧運,右邊是殘奧。 火炬[編輯]

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The 2024奧運 Olympic Winter Games will also be held every 4 many years within the winter months of your host location along with the multi-athletics competitions are practised on snow and ice.

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